"I've always liked the time before dawn because there's no one around to remind me who I'm supposed to be, so it's easier to remember who I am."

-Brian Andreas

Friday, January 15, 2010

growing up

geeez, it's been a while. i almost forgot my password.

i built a fort today.

my goal for 2010 is to get out of debt. i cut up my credit card, hid my debit card in my sock drawer and only carry cash with me so that i know exactly what i am spending and so that i can spend only exactly what i have.

yup... time to grow up. it kinda sucks. and it's kinda boring.

so i decided to build a fort.

i realize i need to grow up, not just for my sake, but for the sake of helping others... how can i support causes i believe in or travel overseas to remote villages when i owe the government a lump sum of money that isn't going to go away just because i do?

so... no more hiding. time to grow up.

which is why i built a fort.

i need to start being responsible, i get it. but today i realized... responsibility doesn't have to rule out creativity and imagination and adventure.

so... before heading off to work, i am going over my finances, organizing my budget, and paying my bills... all in the comforts of my orange and pink fort that i made this afternoon.

and the beauty of it is...

since i'm all grown up, i can leave my fort up as long as i want too!

i guess growing up isn't so bad after all.