"I've always liked the time before dawn because there's no one around to remind me who I'm supposed to be, so it's easier to remember who I am."

-Brian Andreas

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Weeping Guitar

I'm crying, but there's no tears.

A dry spell.

An emptiness. Too empty to even cry.

My guitar is sitting in the corner, waiting to be played.

It once had meaning and purpose, pouring out my emotions in the form of music. But now it sits.

Empty. Hollow.

As do I.

I can relate to my guitar...

full of potential, full of passion, full of soul.

But instead, it sits. I allow it to sit in a corner. Untouched, unused, unloved.

My guitar looks back at me, feeling the same way I do, and softly sings... "she's so full of potential, full of passion, full of soul. Why does she sit alone in that corner, allowing herself to be untouched, unused, unloved?"

Together we would be full of life.

But instead, we sit in our corners and give each other an occasional glance, an occasional thought, and sometimes an occasional strum.

I've forgotten the chords I used to play, the strings I used to pick, the songs I used to write.

If I sit long enough, I forget the sound it makes and the tune of its voice.

Much like my guitar, I feel I have lost my voice.

Much like my guitar, I am waiting.

...To be touched, to be used, to be loved...

and to live the life I was meant to live.


Shelley said...

Wow, that was beautiful!

Kathy Jarman said...

The guitar come ALIVE when the passionate hands of the artist embraces it and makes beautiful music. The child comes ALIVE when the passionate hands of the Creator embraces her and makes beautiful music. The guitar always submits to it's artist. Does the child submit to the Creator? Does the child believe she is in the hands of a passionate, loving, merciful Creator? I pray that this child is filled with the chords of peace and joy and that the melody of the Creator is the voice you seek. Trust the hands of the Creator...He's there...He carries you on his back in the same way your blog picture shows you carrying the guitar. Be lifted to His places...allow the melody to flow. Love ya, Kathy