"I've always liked the time before dawn because there's no one around to remind me who I'm supposed to be, so it's easier to remember who I am."

-Brian Andreas

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

fire in the mountains

Does it really matter that I'm not following my meal plan?
I realize this has nothing to do with the picture, but this is how my random mind works... I start one thing and think of another. As I was posting this picture I took at Thanksgiving I was wondering if I felt hungry or tired... or both?
In all honesty, I didn't want to feel hungry... so I decided I must just be tired. Isn't it funny how we think we can tell ourselves how to feel?
Oh God... I'm so tired and so hungry for so much more than just a life of recovery and a meal plan. I want more out of life. I know the purpose of my life is not to just follow a meal plan... but it feels that way. Most people think it seems easy enough... but it is soo hard.

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