"I've always liked the time before dawn because there's no one around to remind me who I'm supposed to be, so it's easier to remember who I am."

-Brian Andreas

Friday, June 6, 2008

lucky pants

I'm trying to write an inspiring blog before I go take a shower... the problem is... I got nothing. I don't even know why I want to write, or if I even want to... I think I just like the idea of people reading what I write. I usually don't write about stuff like "today I went to the grocery store and they had butter ball turkeys on sale... buy one get one free... and I got one... so guess what? ... I got one free!"

I try not to write about stuff like that.

You know, day to day life... the mundane... stuff like... I woke up, showered, pooped, ate breakfast, worked, napped, etc...

No one really cares about stuff like that... of course unless you're famous... then apparently everybody cares.


I don't get that.

I'm not placing myself above people that do care about famous people... I totally catch myself taking a peep at how big Angelina's belly is and why Brad fears for the babies lives when I go check out at the grocery store, but seriously... who really cares??

My mom had twins... I never saw her name in the paper for it. Of course, Brad Pitt wasn't the father... but still, my dad is no Clay Aiken, he's a good looking guy. If you ask me, Brad Pitt should watch himself...

I can hear it now "Brad, I'm sorry, you've been replaced by Bob. Brad meet Bob. Bob, Brad."

They shake hands and Brad bows out gracefully.

I'm a little biased, but hey! It could happen!"

Seriously though, it's so weird to me that people spend their lives engulfed in other people's lives. How is that a life?

Sure, they're famous... but they're just people! They wake up every morning and put their pants on one leg at time just like you and I do... except of course their pants probably cost more than my monthly rent, and they probably make a million dollars while wearing their pants, but who's counting?

When I wear my pants to work I make $8.50 an hour! I call them my lucky pants! Every time I've worn them I've gotten paid for the work I do... they haven't failed me yet.

So I guess this random blog is to say... you are amazing! You who are reading this right now... if you are. You don't need to day dream of another life... you've got one right now... just go after it! You don't have to live your life vicariously through anyone... you can just live!!!

Put down the magazine, turn off the TV, get off my blog (when done reading), and go take on the world today!

There's so much out there... so cheers!

Here's to living our own lives and having pants that get us paid!


Shelley said...

sometimes we forget how special we are...

Shelley said...

like me, I am not special... or am I?

Unknown said...

i care if you poop.

or shower....or don't shower. :)

Unknown said...

I love you, and your lucky pants!!! You are special, and I hope you remember that. If not, I'm here to remind you!