"I've always liked the time before dawn because there's no one around to remind me who I'm supposed to be, so it's easier to remember who I am."

-Brian Andreas

Monday, May 17, 2010

feelin' tipsy?

There's this guy that comes into Starbucks every morning to get a cup of coffee and every morning he acts like he doesn't have enough change... even though he knows how much the coffee costs before he comes in. I think it's just a game he likes to play to see how many times he can call the girl behind the counter "baby" before she gives him a free cup of coffee... or at least a discount.

One of the girls I work with is like a brick wall with this guy and I love it. He came in last week and once again was 5 cents short. He said he'd run out to his car and go get it, hoping she'd say "oh don't worry about it, just take it," but she did just the opposite. She just looked at him and said "OK," and proceeded to wait... probably not because she actually cared about the 5 cents, but because she refused to play his game.

I usually work on bar, so I am always witnessing this happen, but the other day I actually had the pleasure of ringing this guy up. Another thing you should know about this guy is that he is always complaining about something and often to nobody at all. He walked up to the counter and I actually saw $2 in his hands, so I was kind of bummed I wasn't going to get to play his game. Nonetheless, he walked up to the counter, "hey baby, can I get a short cup of coffee in a tall cup?" Before I could answer "yes," he kept talking. "Man, I'm so sick of times being so hard... (insert lots of talk about the government)... and they need to redistribute the wealth, you know what I'm saying? I'm just waiting on Obama, man, he's gonna give us our piece of the pie... (insert more Obama and government talk while I was getting his coffee ready).

I set it on the counter and smiled "that'll be 1.67, sir."

He kept talking about redistribution of wealth as he handed me his $2. I guess since I was thinking about what he was talking about I wasn't actually thinking about what I was doing because before I knew it I had thrown his change in the tip jar instead of handing it back to him. He looked at me kinda funny and was like "hey, hey, I need all I can get, whatchu doin?" I just sort of laughed and responded, "redistributing the wealth."

He kind of laughed at first, but then when he realized it meant he wasn't going to get his change back, he stopped laughing and again looked at me kind of funny. He got quiet and reached his hand in the tip jar to take his change back.

It's funny how passionate he seemed about redistribution of wealth until it involved his wealth. I think this was the point where he realized he didn't like someone else deciding where his money should go.

I can't say I blame him.

And that's all I have to say about that... for now.

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