"I've always liked the time before dawn because there's no one around to remind me who I'm supposed to be, so it's easier to remember who I am."

-Brian Andreas

Saturday, May 1, 2010

real life

When facebook first started (for people in college), I was convinced it was going to end pollution. Mainly because no one was going to write letters anymore. Now that facebook is available to the world, I'm convinced it will still end pollution, but not because of a lack of mail...

it will end pollution because eventually no one will want to actually leave their house.

Let's face it (no pun intended), with facebook, there's almost no need to.

You can own a boutique, harvest your own crops, and even adopt as many stray animals as you can possibly find in any given dark alley or corn field, depending on the made up city in which you are "living" or "visiting."

To be quite honest, I think it's ridiculous.

Don't get me wrong, I use facebook, but you're not going to find me as an active member of farmville, adopting pets on the side.

There is a life to be lived and it's not on facebook.

There are people to have conversations with, and I'll be realistic, not always on facebook.

If there is someone you need to say something to, call them up or go to their house, but dear God, don't "say" it to them in your status update. Girls, It's called passive aggressive, and nine and a half times out of ten, the guy you are addressing in your status update who broke your heart isn't reading your updates feeling sorry for you or wishing you could get back together. He's moving on with a clear conscience knowing that you are still hung up on him.

I overhear more conversations about things that happen on facebook than in everyday life. I myself have actually met people and said "aren't we friends on facebook?" without actually knowing anything about them.

For something that was meant to keep people connected, it has completely made us impersonal and insensitive to the need for human contact and connection.

And so, instead of preaching to the choir, I just realized that I myself am sitting inside blogging when I could be on a walk through the city.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Geez.

Oh well... I guess there's only one thing to do...

See ya, I'm heading outside!

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